Galaxy Goons Cards

Here is a sneak peek at our hand numbered promotional cards...

Promo card P1 was made available at the 2000 Philly Non-Sport Card show held in October.
You can also get it through this special offer.

Promo card P2 was made available through an offer in the October issue of the Wrapper.
You can also get it through this special offer.

Promo card P3 was made available through an offer in the November 2000 issue of Non-Sport Update magazine.
You can also get it through this special offer.

Promo card P4 was distributed at the Midwest Non-Sport Show in September 2002 in Chicago.

Promo card P5 was distributed at the fall Philly Show in October 2002.

Promo card P6 was distributed in a mailing to announce when the cards were available.

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